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Where Has the Time Gone?

I've not posted anything in more than two years.  I just realized that only recently when time slowed right down into our current distance learning situation. I supposed not being fully immersed in the harried and hurried pace of a typical school day has allowed me the benefit of time to more intentionally collect my thoughts. I have been working as a Principal for the past two years and I've not formally reflected on or consolidated the tremendous amount of learning I've undergone. I have missed this very necessary exercise and so I will endeavour to be more regular. It's always been my experience that when I consolidate any learning more formally, I remember better and I apply more consistently.

I have spent the last two years in the very last place I ever expected to begin my journey as Principal and that is leading a very special community of educators, support staff and students in our system's alternative education program. At the same time, it's the most "at home" I have ever felt at work and no one is more surprised by that than me. It has been the greatest learning of my career to date. I have encountered my greatest challenges and frustrations but THE most satisfaction and joy I have ever felt at work. I was given a mandate to rebuild, revision and grow this program - a daunting task for a new Principal, especially without a Admin team to work with. I had to re-think my network of support and get used to working within very different structures. In spite of all the re-thinking I had to do, some of the basics about leadership remained constant. Relationships have mattered more than ever. Understanding student needs and how that plays out in programming was at the heart of the work being done.  

As this has been the greatest learning curve of my career to date, I felt it necessary to plan and vision over three years/phases: 

Phase 1: Defining the Culture
  • understanding the learning and complexity of needs
    • physical needs
    • social-emotional needs
    • academic needs
  • understanding the kind of educator needed to do this work
    • attitudes and assumptions
    • cross-curricular competence
    • technological skill set
    • hope-filled
  • understanding the kind of leader I need to be for this community
    • why being present and visible is more important than ever before
    • developing strong relationships while leading a small staff
    • establishing high priorities
    • streamlining practices to ensure compliance and efficacy
    • advocating for resources
    • working with school communities to support students and their families

Phase 2: Creating the Right Environment
  • cultivating the culture further
  • working towards greater consistency of practices - teaching, classroom and behaviour management
  • unifying a fragmented community under one roof
  • defining spaces for wellness, academic support, recreation
  • technological needs
  • expanding support services and defining spaces for that work to take place
  • creating inviting and dynamic learning spaces
    • adaptable
    • differentiated spaces

Phase 3: Honing Our Craft
  • using allocated resources effectively and efficiency for the greatest impact
  • designing integrated curriculum 
    • trauma-informed pedagogy
    • cross-curricular in nature
    • embraces technology
    • presented in a digital learning portfolio \
    • feedback: immediate, constructive
  • focusing on pathways
  • examining the data:
    • enrollment patterns - present vs. historical
    • total credits earned vs. attempted
    • attendance patterns
    • number of students accessing support services
    • number of students engaged in enriched programming (e.g. School Within a College, Dual Credit, Co-Op, etc.)
    • graduation rate

The next series (hopefully) of posts will centre on some of the key learning and experiences I have had at this very special place.


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