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Sometimes You've Just Gotta Laugh

So the Principal comes rushing into my office yesterday to look out my window. My office faces our lovely peace garden and I have always loved the view. This day was no exception. "Chris! There are two kids kissing on the benches of the peace garden and it's getting kinda racy. A lot of people have been watching from the windows." Great, I thought... Myself and the other Vice Principal thought it might be a good idea to take a stroll into the peace garden, looking as if we were investigating... something. We said 'hello' to the students as we passed by and at that point, there was a safe amount of distance between them. My colleague started pulling out weeds and I kept looking around. I can't imagine how completely and utterly ridiculous we looked, although my suspicions were confirmed by the staff who were watching the whole episode unfold from their office windows. At one point, we even walked up to the students and asked them if they saw anything out of the ordinary and they were very adamant that they had not. They went on to discuss how disappointing it was the students were littering in the peace garden. At the end of our "exchange", my colleague says, "Well, I guess I'll keep a close eye on this place, especially since I have a good view from my office window. Oh! And Mrs. Cosentino, your view is better than mine." We parted ways and the students took calls on their phones. We we got back to our offices, things were REALLY heating up in the garden again, getting very "handsy", if you will. At this point, we tried to do what we could to preserve our students dignity and privacy, especially since modesty had officially gone out the proverbial window. My colleague opened her window and yelled out, "Alright, it's time to go home now." Only THEN did the students dart off faster than I've ever seen most kids move.

I didn't mention the fact that the students were two girls. That wasn't the issue, not even in our Catholic school. Honestly.  Lots of separate issues up for discussion, that's for sure, but quite frankly, I don't want to watch anyone sucking face outside my window, especially in a manner so... enthusiastic,  if you will. Power to them. I was just concerned that passersby might take liberties and begin recording with their phones and who knows what that would have spawned. I thought it was funny that after all that was said and done, my colleague needed the reassurance and had to ask, "we would have done the same if it was a boy and a girl, right?" I'm more than positive that we would have. I think... I hope...


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