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Showing posts from April, 2018

Some Exciting News

On Wednesday of this past week, the new Principal's Shortlist was approved by the Board of Trustees and released to the system, and I was on it. While I am very much excited and honoured to be considered worthy of such a position, I can't deny that the thought of taking this role on makes me a bit nauseous. I suppose I will forever be the reluctant administrator who continues to miss teaching and magic we can make happen in a classroom. Part of the uneasiness is attributed to a new-found appreciation of the degree of scrutiny under which principals are viewed. I have always appreciated that there really is no separation of the private and public persona. I can claim that "my views are my own" but I have also come to really understand how being part of an organization such as a school board simply does not allow for that and rightly so. I have to be even more guarded and careful about what I publish to avoid misunderstanding and misrepresentation of myself and potentia...