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Leading During a Pandemic

 Never thought I'd EVER type a title like that.  Pandemics were only events I had taught about during my History classes. The experience thus far can only be described as surreal. It's been a part of our reality for nearly 10 months now and the fear and uncertainty is still not lost on me with the reporting of daily infection and death rates. It has been my single greatest challenge as a leader to date to show up to work everyday imbuing optimism that we're going to be ok, that school is a safe place to be. I have to say that on 98% of those days, I have believed just that. We have be so very fortunate not to have experienced any positive diagnoses of COVID-19 so far. Implementing the new health and safety protocols, while tedious and laborious, has not been all that  difficult. Sure, the work up front was a lot - signage, taping arrows and cues on the walls and floors, rearranging classroom furniture to establish social distancing in the classrooms ... as the Principal, ...
Recent posts

The Need to Read

I strongly encourage all Administrators to join organizations that promote ongoing professional learning and reading. It is very easy to fall out of the habit of taking up PD to stay current with the prevailing pedagogies and instructional practices. As instructional leaders we have an obligation to model this for teachers, who model it for students.  In purchasing a membership to ASCD, I not only receive great newsletters and access to (virtual) PD, I also receive books - ones that you can touch and old and highlight all over and make margin notes in... old school! My first read is by Marilee Sprenger, Social Emotional Learning and the Brain . This is a perfect fit for leading and Alternative Education Program. The hope it to easy-to-implement resources that contain concrete strategies for my staff to use to support the complex needs of the students in our school. I love to be able to make these sorts of offerings. I strongly believe that it sends a clear message that I understand...

Harm Reduction at School is a Life Saver

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Back-to-School of a Different Sort

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The Magic in Relationships

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Catholic Education Week 2020

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I Am a Catholic Principal!

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